
setec eocen supports major industrial players in the defence market through a range of activities, including PMO for Naval Groupe, MBDA as well as Nexter.

Faced with the need to transform in order to adapt to a world undergoing profound change, defence industries need the technical skills of the engineering sector and efficient support in a number of areas.

France has the industrial capacity to produce almost all the equipment needed by the armed forces to carry out their missions. 

A number of government bodies, such as the French Defense procurement agency (DGA Délégation Générale pour l’Armement), are assisted by setec through a system engineering activities contract.

The main programmes over the next few years concern the development and construction of the future 3rd generation Nuclear Submarine Launchers (S3G) and the future New Generation Aircraft Carrier (PANG). 

Our projects in the Defence market

Management of industrial reconfigurations to upgrade a military vessel

Coordinating the maintenance of facilities for nuclear submarines

Project management assistance for Naval Combat System work packages